Reduced Carbon
What are carbon emissions
Carbon dioxide emissions are a type of greenhouse gas (GHG) emission. Other greenhouse gases, like methane and nitrous oxide, are even more potent than carbon dioxide. Our calculations include all of the different types of GHGs, and we roll them up into “carbon dioxide equivalents” (CO2e).
HowGood calculated the on-farm carbon impact of each of our ingredients based on how they were sourced. For example, the rotational grazing of cattle or the purchase of organically grown ingredients helps reduce net emissions by sequestering carbon in the soil where the animals graze or reducing the use of synthetic fertilizers.
How We back it up
We partnered with HowGood, an independent research company, with the world’s largest database on food sustainability. They assessed each of our 53 ingredients and compared them to the industry average agricultural impact against five key metrics (reduced carbon emissions, antibiotics avoided, water saved, improved soil health, and supported organic land). For carbon specifically, they also relied on these three resources for measurement.
International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment
Journal of Cleaner Production
EcoInvent Life Cycle Assessment Database v3.6
average Carbon impact across each of our 53 real ingredients based on our leading sourcing standards as compared to conventional ingredients.
We compared our greenhouse gas emissions from the source to the bowl or burrito against the industry average to calculate your Real Foodprint carbon score. We’re committed to continuing changes in our supply chain to drive the biggest positive impact.
These thoughtfully-sourced Chipotle ingredients had the biggest positive impact on carbon emissions of all of our 53 ingredients, and are listed in the order of their carbon savings.
In 2019, 36% of the beef Chipotle served was grass-fed. Additionally, 24 million pounds out of the 86 million pounds of beef that we sourced in 2019 was from partners who practice rotational grazing. HowGood's analysis determined that these and other practices result in significantly lower than industry average emissions (27 kg CO2e / kg compared to 33 kg CO2e / kg).
We continue to seek out new grass-fed ranchers and partners. One of our partners custom built a program to meet Chipotle’s award-winning animal welfare standards, growing from 22 farms and ranches in 2012 to over 2,500 today.
Soybeans (tofu)
Organic crops generally avoid the use of synthetic fertilizers and the high yielding carbon emissions associated with their manufacturing and application. We sourced more than 5 million pounds of organic soybeans for our Sofritas in 2019—an almost 2 million pound increase over 2018.
We’ve worked to build the supply of organic cilantro with our farmer partners. When we sought to purchase 100% organic cilantro, there simply wasn't enough. Through partnering with our suppliers, we’ve worked hard to build the supply of organic cilantro at scale. In 2019, we purchased 50% of our cilantro organically, and 21% transitionally (from farms that were using organic practices, but were not yet certified—a 3 year process). In 2020, we’ve grown those numbers to 65% organic and 21% transitional. We continue to invest in the future of organic cilantro and help farms move to being officially certified organic.
Room for Improvement
Though Chipotle’s responsibly-sourced beef helps to bring down greenhouse gases, it’s also our highest-emitting ingredient. We’ll continue to improve our impact through beef that’s raised responsibly and from increasing the proportion of our suppliers using rotational grazing, which helps reduce carbon emissions. Though logistics and operations are not included in Real Foodprint, we will also continue to seek opportunities to reduce the carbon impact of our supply chain, logistics, and operations. We are committed to continuing to publicly disclose our carbon footprint and adopt an overall long term, science based, GHG emissions reduction target.
Learn about some other ways we are continuing to drive sustainable impact.
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